Friday, February 25, 2005

time to jump on the blogging bandwagon, only for real this time. no more of this half-assed blog-wannabe crap. maybe if i start doing this i won't have to repeat myself so much in e-mails.

so i'll start with a quick update and go from there. i am back from bosnia, no longer in grave danger from bosnian aggression. but i am back in syracuse, so my life expectancy has probably dropped by 10 years. i found out today that the we are offically one block into the ghetto; it supposedly starts at the 690 overpass.

party tonight... place will be a mess tomorrow morning, and i will feel like an inadequate house-wife type because it will probably stay that way for a week or more. cake tasting tomorrow (see paragraph regarding impending doom/marriage.)

dog is good. vito. he never got used to wearing his booties though, and is stuck inside more than he would like.

getting out of the air force in june, looking to go to graduate school next fall. hoping to become a stable isotope geochemist (doesn't that just sound so cool?) haven't gotten accepted yet, though, and i'm well past the deadline for admission so we'll see how it goes.

and lastly, getting married this summer. june 25th to be precise. big summer approaching. i will be a wife soon. that sounds absolutely petrifying...

okay. enough of the broad overview. i will start here and hopefully become more reliable. i am a total computer geek in all other ways, not sure why i haven't become addicted to blogs yet. trying really hard though.


Blogger Baby Mama said...

this is already not working... people are responding to my email rather than the blog. isn't this the wave of the future people? come on! so, here's Jim's thoughts.

> From: Darth Muppet (
> To:
> Subject: Enter Witty Comment Here_______________
> Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:57:05 -0800 (PST)
> Darth Muppet has sent you a link to a weblog:
>You are such a fucking nerd...go to Grad School and
> get a life or something.
Jim, the problem with your theory is that you think by hanging around research nerds i will become less nerdy. while hanging around women may have made you less smooth, the analogy doesn't work here. thanks for the input though.

god it's refreshing to be able to rip on you again. ;)

3:09 PM  

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