Monday, February 28, 2005

in DC until Thursday. barely made it in today, snowstorm hit syracuse at 3 pm, caught an early flight to make sure i made it out. meeting at the pentagon tomorrow, with my luck they'll cancel it. i won't be all sad, it's nice to just travel, as unexciting a location as it is.

read Scientific American on the plane today, which tried to explain the big bang theory to us lay-men types. still don't fully understand it, though everytime i hear another person explain it i get a little more clear on it all. i think i decided part of the obesity problem in America can be explained by the expanding universe thing; it's stretching americans as well. not quite sure why europe and the rest of the world are unaffected by this problem, perhaps the US is in its own world?

dinner alone at a restaurant. is there any greater feeling of freedom than being alone in a situation that you *should* be with others? i used to find this depressing, now i find it liberating. perhaps it's because now i know i'm only alone in the restaurant, not alone in the world.


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