Thursday, May 26, 2005

just spent hours working on a new website. i tell myself that getting better at html is worth it, but it's so frustrating. i could never be a programmer, i would just beat my head against a wall. any way, anyone trying to access the wedding site, please go here instead.

i didn't think i would become the typical bride, but here i am. i had a dream last night that when i got my hair styled for the wedding, the stylist misunderstood and chopped it off. i was so sad. i constantly have dreams about forgetting the rings, etc. it's awful, i can't sleep. what is wrong with me? sometimes i surprise myself at how much of a girl i am.

so i play more guitar, and my house gets messier and messier. it's how i escape. my mom is far too clean, i constantly feel inadequate in the cleanliness department.

two more weeks until i'm out of the AF, four until the wedding. go time flies fast.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

this week is damien rice (actually, a couple weeks ago, but i haven't moved on yet.)

i occasionally catch myself thinking i've seen a lot of the world, but when i look at this i realize how much more i have to see. especially since russia is only two little dots, unlike the huge swath of red seen on this map.

you can create your own visited country map here